Journey through the spectacular landscape of Peru; tackling coastal desert, snow-capped Andean peaks, the altiplano and cloud forest. Along the way you’ll visit world-renowned highlights, including the mysterious Nazca Lines; Machu Picchu, Lake Titicaca, where you’ll spend the night in an island homestay; and the 9,843ft (3,000m) deep Colca Canyon. We’ll also encounter traditional culture, condors, llamas, and a warm welcome from the Peruvian people.

Please note: the departure on 18 June 2023 coincides with the Inti Raymi Festival in Cuzco. Translating to the Festival of the Sun, it is the most important of all Andean festivals; Cuzco is filled with colourful processions and festivities. For full detail, check out our Essential Peru - Inti Raymi Festival Departure itinerary.