For those looking to experience the history, culture, and wilderness of South America, this three-week adventure through Peru, Bolivia, and Chile is packed full of some of the continent’s most iconic and popular highlights. Explore the Sacred Valley and uncover Incan history high in the Andes at legendary Machu Picchu. Explore incredible landscapes at Salar de Uyuni and the Atacama Desert, and encounter vibrant culture at Lake Titicaca. Because we have years of experience and established operational offices in the region, we’ll take care of the hassles so that you can focus on the highlights. Get off the beaten track and embrace the best of this incredible region.
  • Explore the Sacred Valley.
  • Marvel at the views from the train to Machu Picchu.
  • Encounter colon.ial cities and historic cultures in Bolivia
  • Witness traditional life on Lake Titicaca.
  • Cross the Salar de Uyuni.
  • The world's largest salt flat by 4x4.
Hotels/guesthouses (18 nts), G Adventures-supported lodge/basic hotels on Salar de Uyuni excursion (2 nts, multi-share).