From the intricate saris of Rajasthan to the beautiful symmetry of the Taj Mahal, this compact journey is a photographer's delight and the perfect introduction to India. You'll float past the ghats on the Ganges River to encounter the spiritual heart of Hinduism in Varanasi and get off the beaten path exploring carved stepwells and quaint temples in rural villages. With the perfect combination of included activities and free time to explore the nation's rich heritage, you're sure to be caught up in India's incredible tapestry of life.
  • Discover ancient forts and temples.
  • Explore India's vibrant cities.
  • Revel in the beauty of Agra's Taj Mahal.
  • Witness the erotic sculptures of Khajuraho and Orchha.
  • Sail the Ganges in venerable Varanasi.
Hotels (11 nts), comfortable tented camp (2 nt), sleeper train (1 nt).